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[해피CGI][cgimall] jQuery 를 이용한 Parallax Effect 플러그인 본문

웹프로그램밍 자료실/JAVA 자료

[해피CGI][cgimall] jQuery 를 이용한 Parallax Effect 플러그인

해피CGI윤실장 2020. 8. 25. 09:10

CSS3 3D 변환 기능을 사용하여 이미지, 배경 이미지, Youtube, Vimeo, HTML5 Video 등등 ...

많은 HTML 요소에 부드러운 Parallax Effect 를 추가하는 jQuery Plugin 입니다.

사용법은 생각보다 쉽습니다.

1. 기본적으로 jQuery Plugin 이므로 jQuery 를 호출해 주셔야 합니다.

2. Script 호출 해 주세요.

<!-- Jarallax -->
<script src="jarallax/dist/jarallax.min.js"></script>

<!-- Include it if you want to use Video parallax -->
<script src="jarallax/dist/jarallax-video.min.js"></script>

3. HTML 요소는 아래처럼 하시면 됩니다.

<!-- Background Image Parallax -->
<div class="jarallax">
    <img class="jarallax-img" src="<background_image_url_here>" alt="">
    Your content here...

<!-- Background Image Parallax with <picture> tag -->
<div class="jarallax">
    <picture class="jarallax-img">
        <source media="..." srcset="<alternative_background_image_url_here>">
        <img src="<background_image_url_here>" alt="">
    Your content here...

<!-- Alternate: Background Image Parallax -->
<div class="jarallax" style="background-image: url('<background_image_url_here>');">
    Your content here...

4. CSS 를 선언하여 변경할 일이 있다면 플러그인 호출전에 미리 선언하시거나
    jarallax CSS 파일에 넣어두셔도 됩니다.

.jarallax {
    position: relative;
    z-index: 0;
.jarallax > .jarallax-img {
    position: absolute;
    object-fit: cover;
    /* support for plugin https://github.com/bfred-it/object-fit-images */
    font-family: 'object-fit: cover;';
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    z-index: -1;

5. 플러그인 호출 방식에 대해서 안내 합니다.

- data attribute (데이터 속성 설정하는 방식)
  제공하는 옵션을 모두 속성으로 넣으셔도 됩니다.
  ( 옵션은 아래에 다시 첨부 합니다. )

<!-- Background YouTube Parallax -->
<div class="jarallax" data-jarallax-video="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ab0TSkLe-E0">
    Your content here...

<!-- Background Vimeo Parallax -->
<div class="jarallax" data-jarallax-video="https://vimeo.com/110138539">
    Your content here...

<!-- Background Self-Hosted Video Parallax -->
<div class="jarallax" data-jarallax-video="mp4:./video/local-video.mp4,webm:./video/local-video.webm,ogv:./video/local-video.ogv">
    Your content here...

- JavaScript 방식

import { jarallax, jarallaxVideo } from 'jarallax';

jarallax(document.querySelectorAll('.jarallax'), {
    speed: 0.2,
    videoSrc: 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ab0TSkLe-E0'

<div class="jarallax"></div>

6. Options 안내

Name Type Default Description
type string scroll scroll, scale, opacity, scroll-opacity, scale-opacity.
speed float 0.5 Parallax effect speed. Provide numbers from -1.0 to 2.0.
imgSrc path null Image url. By default used image from background.
imgElement dom / selector .jarallax-img Image tag that will be used as background.
imgSize string cover Image size. If you use <img> tag for background, you should add object-fit values, else use background-size values.
imgPosition string 50% 50% Image position. If you use <img> tag for background, you should add object-position values, else use background-position values.
imgRepeat string no-repeat Image repeat. Supported only background-position values.
keepImg boolean false Keep <img> tag in it's default place after Jarallax inited.
elementInViewport dom null Use custom DOM / jQuery element to check if parallax block in viewport. More info here - Issue 13.
zIndex number -100 z-index of parallax container.
disableParallax RegExp / function - Disable parallax on specific user agents (using regular expression) or with function return value. The image will be set on the background.
disableVideo RegExp / function - Disable video load on specific user agents (using regular expression) or with function return value. The image will be set on the background.

영상을 이용하는 경우 저사양 PC 에서는 다소 버벅임이 있을 수 있습니다.

